
COCIR Builds Up Online Environmental Information for Health Sector

russels – 12 September 2011  COCIR has reviewed and updated the ‘Greening at COCIR’ section of its website to underline the central importance of the environment in the policymaking process and to provide the medical technology industry with a full overview of COCIR’s activities, documentation and evaluation of potentially adverse impacts of current environmental legislative proposals.
COCIR’s continuous proactive approach in the last five years to promote environmentally-conscious design has seen COCIR’s members in the medical sector apply environmental objectives throughout their products’ lifecycles and uphold their commitment to developing new technologies and healthcare equipment and services, to provide improved and sustainable healthcare benefits to European citizens.
COCIR has redesigned its ‘Greening at COCIR’ section with two primary objectives in mind, firstly to help medical technology industries better understand the complex environmental policymaking process which has an impact on their products and development process and secondly to support environmentally-sustainable medium and long-term corporate strategies without jeopardizing the benefits of an innovative industry sector which contributes to increasing the active and health life expectancy of European citizens.

With respect to Ecodesign, the ‘Self-Regulatory Initiative’ (sub-section 1) sets out the content of the voluntary initiative launched by COCIR in 2008 on Ecodesign, in which several COCIR member companies actively committed to improve the environmental performance of their medical imaging equipment, starting from the design phase of their products, by setting clear and measurable targets.

”By expanding our efforts in environmental matters through the ‘Greening at COCIR’ section on our website, COCIR wants to contribute to a greener economy and to the resource-efficiency policies which are now top priorities for both the European institutions and the healthcare industry,” said Nicole Denjoy, COCIR Secretary General.

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Kathryn Sheridan
COCIR Communications Advisor
00 32 (0) 496 116198